For years I have been toying with the idea as to whether I can call myself a professional poet. The argument against such a distinction rests in the word, amateur. Of course. An amateur doesn’t do something because of the money. An amateur does something because he/she loves that activity, and there is something noble in that. I write poetry for the love of writing poetry, not the potential for some monetary or external gain. I agree. However, the word professional has its own set of meanings and connotations which are virtuous. A professional is taken seriously. A professional lends credibility to a discussion. A professional has freed him or her self from the shackles of the work-a-day world and has chosen passion and commitment to a higher purpose over perhaps what might be easier and more convenient.
Unfortunately, or perhaps it is better for me this way, I think I have already made that decision, whether I wanted to or not.
Before reading any more of this blog post, you need to know I am not saying anything negative about those who are able to, in my mind, be or label themselves as professional poets. I am speaking of my very personal inability to see myself in that capacity. I have tremendous respect for people who earn their livings as writers and poets, as well as those people who teach writing/poetry/literature in college and are associated with teaching in any capacity.
Before reading any more of this blog post, you need to know I am not saying anything negative about those who are able to, in my mind, be or label themselves as professional poets. I am speaking of my very personal inability to see myself in that capacity. I have tremendous respect for people who earn their livings as writers and poets, as well as those people who teach writing/poetry/literature in college and are associated with teaching in any capacity.
I am a high school teacher. I do not teach in a college writing program, and I do not advise a literary journal. I edit one, but that is not part of this discussion. I am part of the ‘problem’ many college instructors bemoan. After all, I teach high school students all of those nasty habits you hear about from college writing instructors.
I lack credentials. Now before you go off the handle, you know as well as I do that the days of a poet being able to make a living as just a poet are gone. I did not go to graduate school in literature, creative writing, or even American Studies. I went to college and found poverty to be something I didn’t like, so I went out and got a job. Yes, I teach, but I teach high school, and in today’s poetry world, I may as well be busting tires and pushing spark plugs at Bob’s 24 Hour Garage, for all the credibility teaching high school lends me. If you are a poet and you want some credibility as a professional but don’t teach college, you had better be a doctor or a lawyer. Of course I am exaggerating, but not by much. There are a few exceptions to what I have said, but you should know there is also a lot of truth.
When I did go to graduate school, I did not do so for the sake of my art. I went to school where it was cheap and for the most base of reasons. I wanted a raise. Again I am going on popular perception, but I seem to lack the devotion to my art which the label of professional demands. I was not, and I am not ever going to be able to justify attending a graduate writing program so long as I find the cost not only prohibitive, but quite distasteful.
I do not write scholarly papers regarding the act or art of writing. I write plain-spoken poems which do not jump headlong into the waters of figurative language, and I do not write about the act of writing with much seriousness whatsoever. I don’t rate a who’s who of readers of my blog, and I generally stay out of most of the poetry fray when controversy arises. Well, that is unless I can find a way to release my innermost desire to be sarcastic. Rest assured, nobody really takes much of what I have to say about writing with any level of seriousness.
I am quite literally out of the loop. I don’t mean that in a bad way, just a statement of fact. I am 120 miles away from any population center which warrants a Wal-Mart, let alone any sort of writer community. I don’t attend readings, and I have to say the closest thing I have to a network is this blog, which because of Facebook will soon be one of only a handful left in existence. As the months pass, less and less information about the poetry community is coming my way, ad I am forced to rely upon hearsay and Facebook status updates. How do I learn about books coming out? I don’t go to readings or faculty parties, and I don’t have anyone in my immediate life who does. I usually have to wait for a blogger friend to tell me or a press announcement on Facebook. I know a few writers by way of e-mail, and even fewer as real people. As I was once told by a certain poet, I “don’t know any of these very real people.” Because I am not a part of an English department or a graduate school faculty, I have very little contact with what is happening.
* * *
I have also seen a divergence between what I want to do as a poet and what I keep reading in the books of poetry I have been purchasing of late. Don’t get me wrong. I admire a great deal of these poets and what they are able to do. I am simply seeing I want to go a different route. For example, in my second Springville book, of the last 10 poems I have written for it, exactly none are the kinds of poems I want to submit for journal publication. I want them to be the best poems I have written and I want them to be precise in language and image, but I simply cannot see any of them being accepted anywhere for publication based upon their subject matter and my execution.
In my previous manuscript, I had 19 of the poems written for it accepted almost immediately---I was taken aback at the success I had in getting poems accepted and published. Then nothing. And I mean nothing. I have been submitting other poems from the manuscript now for three years and nothing. Now I can accept some of the poems may not be particularly well written, or written well enough, but not all of the other poems. That I find hard to believe. I may be a blind fool, but I believe in those poems and I cannot accept that every single one of the other poems I have submitted are not worthy of publication.
I have also seen some pretty dreadful poetry coming out from successful poets. Now I am not talking about poetry I don’t normally gravitate to. I am talking about poetry which stinks up the page. Why do those poems get published and not other poems I am reading from some very fine poets? That’s the publishing world, and there are just some things I can’t fix the way I want.
What it does tell me is that Collin Kelley is absolutely correct when he talks about poetry being a matter of taste for the most part. And what I am writing, for better or worse, doesn’t seem to fall into what is trending right now. I am not trying to come off as better than what is happening right now, just different. I would love it if I was asked to be a part of a team to edit an anthology of poems or contribute to a collection of essays about writing or poetry. (And here I must state I do realize one of the reasons I will never be asked to contribute to an anthology of essays on writing or poetry in general is because I don't do much serious writing about the act of writing. Still, there is a difference between not writing a lot of serious essays about writing and poetry, and not being able to write seriously.) I would love to see my poems in Poetry or Western Humanities Review. I would love to have my poetry anthologized or featured as an editor’s selection, or perhaps nominated for the Pushcart. I really would. Unfortunately I am not writing that kind of poetry. As I stated earlier, I write poems which rarely swim in figurative language, and there are times I wish I could do that, but in the end, that kind of poetry, that place of poetry creation is not where my writing resides.
But because I love poetry, love writing poetry, love reading poetry, I will take what I can get and I will keep addressing my relationship with poetry in the ways I know how. Even if it means I can never be a professional poet. I am a little sad to be making this choice, or having already made it, but I know I will still write my poems, still have plenty to say about poetry, still submit poems for publication, still love what most of the poets out in the world are doing. I will just have to be happy riding the bi-ways and back roads instead of the Poetry Freeway.
Fuck trendy. That's my new motto. Put it on a t-shirt. :)